Telangana paryavarana parirakshana samithi gs medi.chandrashekar & others with jogi.ramanna
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Swatchh bharath
Cleanliness is also indicates the status of the country. In India like developing country this is very diffcult to achieve. But our honble prime minister of India Sri narendra modi ji taken this task as challenge and created the wonderful program "swatchh Bharat abhiyan". And he challenged every celebrity in country to participate in this program. He influenced by Mahatma Gandhi ji to start this program. At the time of independent revolution Gandhi started swatch Bharat for not only clean Bharat but also to eliminate the cast feeling in Hinduism. He said that cleaning is not a lower cast work everyone should work for cleanliness. However everyone should participate in this program and make world clean country "India ".. Jai hind.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Avagahana sadhassu in govt school
Hi friends as our tag line 'think globally impliment locally' we are conducting programs in our local areas for better environment. We had conducted 'avagahana sadhassu ' in govt school of shapoor. This pic is from andrajyothi district addition
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Friday, 31 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
great indian leader for environment
Great indian leader Sunderlal Bahuguna is an Indian eco-activist and Gandhian peace worker, who has been one of the leaders of the Chipko movement, fighting for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas. Chipko means 'embrace' or 'tree huggers' and this vast movement has been a decentralized one with many leaders, usually village women, who have worked to protect the environment. Often they would chain themselves to trees so that loggers could not cut down the forests. These actions slowed down the destruction, but more importantly they brought the deforestation to the public's attention. In 1981 to 1983 Sunderlal Bahuguna led a 5000 kilometer march across the Himalayas ending with a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who then passed legislation to protect some areas of the Himalayan forests from clear-cutting. Sunderlal Bahuguna was also a leader in the movement to oppose the Tehri dam project and in defending India's rivers, and has also worked for women's rights and rights of the poor. In the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, his work for change has always been done through peaceful resistance and other nonviolent methods. The Chipko Movement received the 1987 Right Livelihood Award, also referred to as the Alternative Nobel Prize, "...for its dedication to the conservation, restoration and ecologically-so
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Lions too having dental problems
There are studies galore on man-animal conflict, but this one maps the common suffering of humans and lions. In Amreli, Saurashtra, a region reeling under contaminated water, both humans and lions seem to be victims of fluorosis — a disease characterized by tooth decay and deterioration of bones and joints due to high content of flouride in ground water. Interestingly, the path-breaking study 'Ecology of Lions in Greater Gir' is being pursued by no veterinary experts but doctors trained in treating humans. It is love for the wildlife that prompted this Junagadh-based radiologist-ane
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
good morning friends
Any interested students can join.
Contact: 8801626025
Saturday, 4 January 2014
41 days ayyappa Deeksha
Mandala Vratham: In religious concept Mandala is forty one days. The thirty days from the prathipada, after the full moon to the next full moon day and eleven days to the Ekadasi is the period of Mandala. How is the Mandala deeksha is related to the devotional activity of Shri Ayyappa?
Hariharathmajam: The concept of Ayyappa is HARIHARATHMAJA, i.e, a molecular re-union of Hari and Hara.
41 Days significance: In the digit forty one, four symbolises Vishnu and the One symbolises Siva. The morph of Vishnu is having four arms, having bodily resemblance of four Vedas. The number of letters in the Mantras related to Lord Vishnu is also in the multiples of four like 8,12,16 and 32. The "one" is the real Sivaswarupa. The Lord Siva or Mahadeva is the one who has no transformation, unrelated to any aspects, God or Gods and dwells in the solitude as the single and unrealized form,from the time before the creation of the world and after the merge( Pralaya).
Other Mandalas: The Universe can be called a Mandala ( Akhilanda Mandala), the pooja Mandala, the Vayu mandala and other mandalas are in use.
4+1=5, 4-1=3, 3,4,5: Eka, the one, as the meaning of the truth or reality, i.e., Eswar or Omkara. This is a word of Sri SHANKARA. The forty one is very important number in the mantra sastra. When we add four and one get five, if one is reduced from four get three. The 3,4,5 are the formulae of the Universe. The "three" is the form of time (like yesterday, today and tomorrow), the four is the form of the world( four directions) and the five is the form of Panchaboothas used to create this Universe, viz., sky, wind, water, fire, and earth.
Centre for environment education
CEE has been working in the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) for the past 10 years. The focus of CEE's work in the state has been environment education in schools, water and sanitation, natural resource management, nature education and awareness generation.
The Department of Education, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project State Society (VKPSS) State Water Sanitation Mission - Panchayat Raj, Buddha Purnima Project (BPP) / Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA), Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), UNICEF, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) - Medak district, District Administration, Medak district, World Bank, India Institute of Science (IISc)-Bangalore, Andhra Pradesh Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Board (APMAB) and 33 partner NGOs, etc are the agencies with which CEE has worked with and has been working in the state.
Some of projects directly dealt by the regional office include:
Education for School Children
Projects Completed:
Environmental Education in Schools of Andhra Pradesh (EESAP) in coordination with Department of Education and Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) (2000-2008)
Student Amateurs in School Yard Agriculture (SASYA) in coordination with UNICEF and Department of Education (2007-2010) in 3 districts in 330 plus schools
Herbal gardens and Amla Plantations in schools in coordination with National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) and Andhra Pradesh Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Board (APMAB) (2007-2010)
Paryavaran Mitra - Paryavaran Mitra is an action-based programme for school students, focusing on Sustainability and Climate Change Education covering all the Government and aided schools of Andhra Pradesh (2011-12)
'Say no to Plastics' campaign in 40 schools of Hyderabad (2010) Awareness programme on eco friendly ganesh idols in selected schools of Hyderabad and Medak district (2007-2010)
Ongoing Projects :
Towards sustainable schools - Student Amateurs in School Yard Agriculture (SASYA) in coordination with UNICEF and Department of Education (2007-2010) in Medak district in 300 schools (2011-12)
Paryavaran Mitra - Paryavaran Mitra is an action-based programme for school students, focusing on Sustainability and Climate Change Education covering all the Government and aided schools of Andhra Pradesh (2011-12)
Water and Sanitation Programmes in Schools and Hostels
Projects Completed:
Participatory Assessment for water and sanitation facilities in the schools in coordination with UNICEF and SSA (2005)
Study on Operation and Maintenance of WATSAN facilities in schools in coordination with UNICEF and SWSM (2006-07)
Pre nomination Assessment of WATSAN situation in the villages of Medak district that have proposed for Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) in coordination with SWSM (2007)
Sanitation Awareness, Assessment and Action for Schools (SAAAF) campaign in 300 plus schools in Medak district (2006-2010)
Ongoing Projects :
Sanitation Awareness, Assessment and Action for Schools (SAAAF) campaign in 300 schools in Medak district, 320 schools in Warangal district and 460 schools in Kurnool district
Integrated Sanitation and Hygiene Management in 230 Residential Institutions of Medak district (2010-11)
Experiencing Nature
Projects Completed:
‘Nandanavanam’- Conservation of greenery in urban areas through orientation to school children with the support of Urban Forestry Division of Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (2003-05)
Societal Awareness and Visitor Education for Conservation of Hussain Sagar Lake (SAVE SAGAR) (2007)
Awareness generation
Projects Completed:
Campaign during idol immersion (on occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi festival) in Hussain Sagar Lake (HSL) for promoting clay idols and avoiding plastics (2005-10)
CSR activities to sensitize the citizens towards conservation of Hussain Sagar Lake (2007-10).
Environmental Awareness Campaign in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) Summer Coaching Camps (2007)